GriefShare is a support group that helps people move through the grief process. It is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. For more information, go to:
Category: General

On March 5th, we are serving Soup & Croissant Sandwiches Our goal is to keep everyone safe! We ask that adults and children avoid entering the kitchen area while dinner is prepared and served. You may pre-order to-go dinners by calling Destrie in the church office at 245-4594 by 4 p.m. on Wednesdays. March- Meal Plan

Life Groups
Are you looking for a life-group or Bible study? Our church is passionate about getting people engaged in healthy groups. Browse through our list of groups hosted by our team and give us a call at (208) 245-4594. We would be glad to assist you!

Wednesday Nights
Come join us Wednesday nights at 6:15 p.m. We offer a mid-week worship service, youth group, Naz Kidz, and nursery is available for ages 0-4. If you have any questions, please call the church at (208) 245-4594. We would love for you and your family to join us!

Pastor’s Coffee Time!
Please join Pastor Darin for coffee every Tuesday morning at the Main Street Bistro from 8:00-10:00 a.m. This is an open invitation to anyone who would like to join him.

Wednesday Night Dinner will start back up September 9th. We will be serving Soft Tacos.

Men’s Breakfast
Men, please join us on Saturday, March 14th at 8:00 a.m. in the Gym Foyer. The food will be good and fellowship even better.